Abhe & Svoboda, Inc. in the News
Idaho Tranportation Department/AGC 11/14/24

Municipal Water & Sewer 1/1/20

Innumerable joints in a sewer main lost their integrity, threatening leakage from miles of pipe beneath a scenic canyon in Southern California. The joints needed to be repaired without tearing up the canyon floor and disturbing riparian habitat.
The San Diego office of GHD, a multinational professional services firm, engineered and oversaw the rehabilitation project. Its oversight involved decisions that delicately balanced construction solutions and environmental preservation. In the end, it all worked out, but not in a purely linear fashion.
Initial failure
The Rose Canyon trunk sewer line, constructed in 1996, is a reinforced concrete structure with a PVC liner. To create the continuous pipe structure, 20-foot-long sections of 54- and 60-inch pipe were joined end to end with the interior liners fused using weld strips applied with heat and pressure. It was the discovery downstream of remnants of the weld strips that flagged the joints’ failing condition. Subsequent visual inspection by city of San Diego officials revealed general failure, with many of the welded strips loosening and, in some cases, becoming detached entirely.
Such seal failure was not unheard of, according to Casey Raines, the Rose Canyon project manager for GHD. Early generations of the welded seal product didn’t always work unless they were meticulously installed. “From our experience and in talking with others, when these weld strips were introduced, failure was kind of a chronic issue. It appears the Rose Canyon contractor didn’t have the proper experience.”
By the same token, San Diego officials inspecting the installation also lacked experience with the product in 1996 and were unable to distinguish a sound application of the strips from a faulty one. “The city pretty quickly started seeing weld strip materials downstream and in manholes. It was like ‘Uh-oh … ’”
The failure of the seals produced a threat of leakage and structural damage. The bad seals exposed the concrete pipe to corrosive hydrogen sulfide, which produces sulfuric acid and can corrode concrete and steel, thus turning a drip into a stream of escaping effluent.
This threat was distressing because Rose Canyon is not an insignificant feature in the region’s terrain. The canyon is a miniature valley with sloping sides covered by native grasses. Rose Creek runs through its bottom in the shade of oak and sycamore trees. Public and private properties are contained by the canyon walls, and the trunk line runs adjacent to the creek and the creek’s federally protected wetlands.
Measured approach
A significant sewage spill in Rose Canyon would be consequential. On the other hand, such a threat was not imminent, so in 2014 the city and GHD began systematically planning a fix. Studies, field surveys and assessments were undertaken to determine the temporary and long-term impact of the rehab work. The process took three years.
“There were a lot of changes during the design stage of the project, and a lot of permitting was involved, including with a railroad company,” Raines says about the long run-up to actual rehab work. GHD carefully weighed the results of the various studies and prior maintenance agreements with the railroad and with highway and street departments.
In a subsequent presentation to the North American Society for Trenchless Technology, Raines and her boss, GHD project manager Greg Watanabe, remarked that the project was “important to the trenchless industry because it not only used an innovative approach to repair the failing large-diameter sewer that had been recently constructed, but the rehabilitation and bypass design that was developed considered the environment and the community and ultimately determined the best way to minimize their impacts.”
Thus stated, the comprehensive process comes across as a neat, straightforward series of coordinated decisions leading to a cost-effective, efficient fix. In reality, getting from point A to point B also involved sashaying between points B and C and occasional retreats to point A.
For example, the construction of a temporary 42-inch-diameter bypass pipeline was envisioned to divert sewage flow during repair of 500 feet of 54-inch-diameter pipe upstream from a juncture structure.
Several trailer-mounted, engine-driven pumps were to be installed to divert flow from that section of the sewer main into an aboveground bypass line, with rehab work ensuing for an estimated three months. The presenters called the bypass solution a “notable” engineering feature of the project.
You know what they say about the best laid plans of mice and engineers: The bypass never happened. Raines says, “Shortly after the contract was awarded and the bypass plan was being developed, the Public Utilities section of the city told us they had changed the operation of an upstream pump station. It changed the flow and would require a larger bypass than planned.”
The practical implications were that GHD had to return to square one on rehabbing that section. It was no longer feasible to use a manhole as a collection point for the bypass. Instead, excavation would be required along with a wet well. “It all became very complicated and expensive,” Raines says. “It was not worth the money for such a short segment.” Stop logs were employed exclusively to regulate flow and allow rehab work in that segment of pipe.
Sealing the deal
Coming together on a solution also proved problematic. Raines and her GHD colleagues recommended that a full-on cured-in-place liner be inserted in the pipe, giving the sewer main a brand-new seamless interior. “Our original design recommendation assumed all the joints had failed,” Raines says, noting that the presumed condition of the pipe was a worst-case scenario predicated on “pretty old information.” To be on the safe side, the full relining was proposed.
City officials didn’t embrace the idea. The CIPP recommendation was, according to Raines, cheaper on a per-linear-foot basis, but more expensive overall. The city preferred something less costly on the assumption that the failure of joints wasn’t general enough to warrant an entire relining.
“Other factors weighed heavier for the city,” Raines says. “Cost was one, and the other was the impact on the surface. We were going to have to excavate to insert the liner rather than just use the manholes. A lot of the city’s concern was about restoration of the area after the job was completed. Those items of concern weighed heavier in their evaluation.”
Consequently, the contractor that was awarded the job — the San Diego office of Abhe & Svoboda — proceeded to rehab each individual joint using an internal mechanical seal. The selected repair method came from Cretex Specialty Products. The Cretex HydraTite internal joint seal is comprised of a rubber sleeve of varying widths and stainless steel expansion bands. Together they create a watertight compressed seal. Abhe & Svoboda is a certified installer of Cretex HydraTite internal seals.
The project addressed slightly fewer than 1,200 joints, each one categorized as to its condition — poor, bad or severe. The latter were divided further according to the type of Cretex seal to be employed, with more damaged joints requiring wider seals. The four widths were classified as standard, extra-wide, double-wide and the double-wide sleeve, which is made up of multiple interlocked seals. They varied from 11 inches wide to 58 inches. By far, the double-wide solution was the most employed, which testifies to the severity of the general joint failure.
Raines describes the installed seals as “fairly low profile,” yet they obviously are not as smooth as the surface of a continuous CIPP liner. It follows that over time some debris collection may occur at the joints, but the product has a long, proven history in a variety of pipe repair applications.
Safe completion
The repair work was undertaken by the contractor during dry-weather seasons to avoid the possibility of work crews producing environmental damage to the canyon floor during rainfalls. This meant that work was limited to an April-to-October window. Crews began work in April 2018, a full year after the winning bid was awarded. They pulled out in October of that year and returned in April 2019, finishing in August.
Laborers in the pipe were protected against fumes by small blowers that kept the air moving. Each crew member wore a sensor to warn of excess exposure to hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide and other sewage gases. All the sensors were monitored via Bluetooth for further safety against a sudden spike in fume content. No crew safety incidents were reported.
Ultimately, the completed project was more expensive than anticipated. The winning bid by Abhe & Svoboda came in at just under $7 million, but design changes and other unanticipated charges ran up the bill for the 4.5-mile project to more than $8 million.
Mastering the process
Systematically repairing more than a thousand leaking joints in 54- and 60-inch pipe was no small feat. The sheer number of joints spread over 4.5 miles was somewhat daunting to anticipate, and the logistics of moving people and materials in and out of a temporarily emptied pipe added to the challenge.
It all came together for a crew from Abhe & Svoboda, a full-service restoration contractor, which was assigned the job of removing hundreds of PVC weld strips from joints and replacing them with mechanical internal seals. Fewer than a dozen employees were involved in the rehab job, but they were utilized in what Casey Raines termed “an assembly line.” Raines was project engineer on the job for GHD, a multinational professional services firm.
Rather than swarm all over a joint to repair it, two-person Abhe & Svoboda teams worked on an individual joint in sequence, each team completing an assigned task before making way for a successor team. They all utilized hand tools for their work. Those who needed air or water for a task were supplied via hoses run into the pipe from manholes.
“The first two-man crew cleaned the area around the joint, and a second crew assessed damage and measured to determine what seal would be used,” Raines says. A third crew removed the damaged PVC weld strip from the joint. A follow-up team repaired any damaged concrete and leveled the area around the joint with mortar to ensure a tight seal. An epoxy was applied to the edges of the joint area.
“Then a team would enter the pipe, bringing down the rubber and stainless steel components. It would install the seal, hydraulically expand the retaining bands, lock them in place and do an air test to ensure it was installed properly.” A final team with cameras then would enter the pipe and document the completed work.
The tedious but coordinated labor in San Diego’s Rose Canyon proceeded steadily, and crews grew more productive as they progressed. Raines says, “They did about eight joints a day at first, but the contractor was able to complete almost 14 a day on average as the work continued.”
When the work began, 1,110 joints were assumed to need fixing. That estimate was based on the standard 20-foot length of a segment of the sewer main. But the pipe was curved in some places, meaning joints were closer together where shorter segments of pipe were employed, so the final count was closer to 1,200.
The San Diego office of GHD, a multinational professional services firm, engineered and oversaw the rehabilitation project. Its oversight involved decisions that delicately balanced construction solutions and environmental preservation. In the end, it all worked out, but not in a purely linear fashion.
Initial failure
The Rose Canyon trunk sewer line, constructed in 1996, is a reinforced concrete structure with a PVC liner. To create the continuous pipe structure, 20-foot-long sections of 54- and 60-inch pipe were joined end to end with the interior liners fused using weld strips applied with heat and pressure. It was the discovery downstream of remnants of the weld strips that flagged the joints’ failing condition. Subsequent visual inspection by city of San Diego officials revealed general failure, with many of the welded strips loosening and, in some cases, becoming detached entirely.
Such seal failure was not unheard of, according to Casey Raines, the Rose Canyon project manager for GHD. Early generations of the welded seal product didn’t always work unless they were meticulously installed. “From our experience and in talking with others, when these weld strips were introduced, failure was kind of a chronic issue. It appears the Rose Canyon contractor didn’t have the proper experience.”
By the same token, San Diego officials inspecting the installation also lacked experience with the product in 1996 and were unable to distinguish a sound application of the strips from a faulty one. “The city pretty quickly started seeing weld strip materials downstream and in manholes. It was like ‘Uh-oh … ’”
The failure of the seals produced a threat of leakage and structural damage. The bad seals exposed the concrete pipe to corrosive hydrogen sulfide, which produces sulfuric acid and can corrode concrete and steel, thus turning a drip into a stream of escaping effluent.
This threat was distressing because Rose Canyon is not an insignificant feature in the region’s terrain. The canyon is a miniature valley with sloping sides covered by native grasses. Rose Creek runs through its bottom in the shade of oak and sycamore trees. Public and private properties are contained by the canyon walls, and the trunk line runs adjacent to the creek and the creek’s federally protected wetlands.
Measured approach
A significant sewage spill in Rose Canyon would be consequential. On the other hand, such a threat was not imminent, so in 2014 the city and GHD began systematically planning a fix. Studies, field surveys and assessments were undertaken to determine the temporary and long-term impact of the rehab work. The process took three years.
“There were a lot of changes during the design stage of the project, and a lot of permitting was involved, including with a railroad company,” Raines says about the long run-up to actual rehab work. GHD carefully weighed the results of the various studies and prior maintenance agreements with the railroad and with highway and street departments.
In a subsequent presentation to the North American Society for Trenchless Technology, Raines and her boss, GHD project manager Greg Watanabe, remarked that the project was “important to the trenchless industry because it not only used an innovative approach to repair the failing large-diameter sewer that had been recently constructed, but the rehabilitation and bypass design that was developed considered the environment and the community and ultimately determined the best way to minimize their impacts.”
Thus stated, the comprehensive process comes across as a neat, straightforward series of coordinated decisions leading to a cost-effective, efficient fix. In reality, getting from point A to point B also involved sashaying between points B and C and occasional retreats to point A.
For example, the construction of a temporary 42-inch-diameter bypass pipeline was envisioned to divert sewage flow during repair of 500 feet of 54-inch-diameter pipe upstream from a juncture structure.
Several trailer-mounted, engine-driven pumps were to be installed to divert flow from that section of the sewer main into an aboveground bypass line, with rehab work ensuing for an estimated three months. The presenters called the bypass solution a “notable” engineering feature of the project.
You know what they say about the best laid plans of mice and engineers: The bypass never happened. Raines says, “Shortly after the contract was awarded and the bypass plan was being developed, the Public Utilities section of the city told us they had changed the operation of an upstream pump station. It changed the flow and would require a larger bypass than planned.”
The practical implications were that GHD had to return to square one on rehabbing that section. It was no longer feasible to use a manhole as a collection point for the bypass. Instead, excavation would be required along with a wet well. “It all became very complicated and expensive,” Raines says. “It was not worth the money for such a short segment.” Stop logs were employed exclusively to regulate flow and allow rehab work in that segment of pipe.
Sealing the deal
Coming together on a solution also proved problematic. Raines and her GHD colleagues recommended that a full-on cured-in-place liner be inserted in the pipe, giving the sewer main a brand-new seamless interior. “Our original design recommendation assumed all the joints had failed,” Raines says, noting that the presumed condition of the pipe was a worst-case scenario predicated on “pretty old information.” To be on the safe side, the full relining was proposed.
City officials didn’t embrace the idea. The CIPP recommendation was, according to Raines, cheaper on a per-linear-foot basis, but more expensive overall. The city preferred something less costly on the assumption that the failure of joints wasn’t general enough to warrant an entire relining.
“Other factors weighed heavier for the city,” Raines says. “Cost was one, and the other was the impact on the surface. We were going to have to excavate to insert the liner rather than just use the manholes. A lot of the city’s concern was about restoration of the area after the job was completed. Those items of concern weighed heavier in their evaluation.”
Consequently, the contractor that was awarded the job — the San Diego office of Abhe & Svoboda — proceeded to rehab each individual joint using an internal mechanical seal. The selected repair method came from Cretex Specialty Products. The Cretex HydraTite internal joint seal is comprised of a rubber sleeve of varying widths and stainless steel expansion bands. Together they create a watertight compressed seal. Abhe & Svoboda is a certified installer of Cretex HydraTite internal seals.
The project addressed slightly fewer than 1,200 joints, each one categorized as to its condition — poor, bad or severe. The latter were divided further according to the type of Cretex seal to be employed, with more damaged joints requiring wider seals. The four widths were classified as standard, extra-wide, double-wide and the double-wide sleeve, which is made up of multiple interlocked seals. They varied from 11 inches wide to 58 inches. By far, the double-wide solution was the most employed, which testifies to the severity of the general joint failure.
Raines describes the installed seals as “fairly low profile,” yet they obviously are not as smooth as the surface of a continuous CIPP liner. It follows that over time some debris collection may occur at the joints, but the product has a long, proven history in a variety of pipe repair applications.
Safe completion
The repair work was undertaken by the contractor during dry-weather seasons to avoid the possibility of work crews producing environmental damage to the canyon floor during rainfalls. This meant that work was limited to an April-to-October window. Crews began work in April 2018, a full year after the winning bid was awarded. They pulled out in October of that year and returned in April 2019, finishing in August.
Laborers in the pipe were protected against fumes by small blowers that kept the air moving. Each crew member wore a sensor to warn of excess exposure to hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide and other sewage gases. All the sensors were monitored via Bluetooth for further safety against a sudden spike in fume content. No crew safety incidents were reported.
Ultimately, the completed project was more expensive than anticipated. The winning bid by Abhe & Svoboda came in at just under $7 million, but design changes and other unanticipated charges ran up the bill for the 4.5-mile project to more than $8 million.
Mastering the process
Systematically repairing more than a thousand leaking joints in 54- and 60-inch pipe was no small feat. The sheer number of joints spread over 4.5 miles was somewhat daunting to anticipate, and the logistics of moving people and materials in and out of a temporarily emptied pipe added to the challenge.
It all came together for a crew from Abhe & Svoboda, a full-service restoration contractor, which was assigned the job of removing hundreds of PVC weld strips from joints and replacing them with mechanical internal seals. Fewer than a dozen employees were involved in the rehab job, but they were utilized in what Casey Raines termed “an assembly line.” Raines was project engineer on the job for GHD, a multinational professional services firm.
Rather than swarm all over a joint to repair it, two-person Abhe & Svoboda teams worked on an individual joint in sequence, each team completing an assigned task before making way for a successor team. They all utilized hand tools for their work. Those who needed air or water for a task were supplied via hoses run into the pipe from manholes.
“The first two-man crew cleaned the area around the joint, and a second crew assessed damage and measured to determine what seal would be used,” Raines says. A third crew removed the damaged PVC weld strip from the joint. A follow-up team repaired any damaged concrete and leveled the area around the joint with mortar to ensure a tight seal. An epoxy was applied to the edges of the joint area.
“Then a team would enter the pipe, bringing down the rubber and stainless steel components. It would install the seal, hydraulically expand the retaining bands, lock them in place and do an air test to ensure it was installed properly.” A final team with cameras then would enter the pipe and document the completed work.
The tedious but coordinated labor in San Diego’s Rose Canyon proceeded steadily, and crews grew more productive as they progressed. Raines says, “They did about eight joints a day at first, but the contractor was able to complete almost 14 a day on average as the work continued.”
When the work began, 1,110 joints were assumed to need fixing. That estimate was based on the standard 20-foot length of a segment of the sewer main. But the pipe was curved in some places, meaning joints were closer together where shorter segments of pipe were employed, so the final count was closer to 1,200.
Civil + Structural Engineer 6/7/15

The Harbor Control Tower is a historic water tank and signal tower located near the Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard that was constructed in 1925. Built jointly by the U.S. Army and Navy the tower served as an observation deck for monitoring and directing naval traffic in the waterways of Pearl Harbor.. Miraculously the Harbor Control Tower survived the attacks from Japan and remains a prominent structure on the island more than 70 years later. However despite the tower’s ability to withstand war its steel components have been no match for Pearl Harbor’s harsh environmental conditions which are conducive to corrosion. Enter rehabilitation.
High humidity, atmospheric salt, and powerful UV rays combine to form a recipe for corrosion. After years of being exposed to all three conditions, the time had come to restore the carbon steel Harbor Control Tower. In order to keep the tower functioning for port operations, it needed to be repaired. To mitigate corrosion damage in the future and to restore the tower to its original orange and white color scheme, a new coating system was included in the restoration project.
Coatings contractor, Abhe & Svoboda, Inc. had to conduct full lead abatement to remove hazardous material from the tower prior to painting. Enter change orders. “Once we completed sandblasting, we discovered more and more unplanned repairs,” said Nick Schmid, Abhe & Svoboda area manager. “There were holes in the water tank, and the legs needed to be repaired, not to mention rust was encompassing most of the structure.”
Not only were repairs and refinishes necessary, but some components needed complete removal and replacement. The steel components throughout the structure suffered from severe corrosion damage. The stairs, landings, ladders, beams, and flanges — nearly all components of the tower — were affected.
To ensure such damage would not happen in the future, a coating system capable of combating corrosion and providing superior durability and UV protection from the sun’s harsh presence in Pearl Harbor was specified. Sherwin-Williams Protective and Marine Coatings was chosen for the job.
“A base coat that could provide a strong layer of protection and a top coat that could stand up to severe UV exposure were paramount when selecting coatings for the tower,” Schmid said. “An inferior topcoat that couldn’t tolerate extended UV exposure would fade, and when the government spends time and money on a project like this, they want a product that will last.”
Zinc Clad III HS, a polyamide epoxy, zinc-rich coating, was used for corrosion prevention as the base coat. To ensure protection of edges, corners, and welds, Macropoxy 646, a high-solids, fast-cure epoxy, was applied as the intermediate coat. The top coat, Fluorokem HS, played the most crucial role in aesthetically repairing the tower.
“In order to preserve the tower as a historic landmark and to restore its integrity, the original orange and white checkerboard color scheme needed to be achieved,” said Casey Turville, west area district sales manager for Sherwin-Williams. “Color and gloss retention were fundamental performance characteristics when choosing the proper coating system.”
Temperatures in the mid-90s pushed the maximum temperature suitable for coatings application. The tower was fully encapsulated in tarp with scaffolding surrounding the perimeter. Coating application by means of industrial pumps started at the top of the tower and worked its way down.
The coating process started in late summer (when the air was dryer) and took roughly three months to complete. If it were any hotter, coatings application would not be executable. However, temperature was not the project’s only challenging circumstance.
“The biggest challenge during the application process was aligning the orange and white checkerboard pattern in every direction,” Schmid said. “For the final coat, we spent a lot of time measuring out each square with a laser.”
Although the project was slated for completion prior to 2014, the unforeseen structural issues extended the time it took to repair and rehabilitate the Harbor Control Tower at Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam. Restoration was completed in April 2014 and cost $11.2 million.
The Harbor Control Tower is the only remaining water tower of three jointly built by the U.S. Army and Navy in the 1920s. The tower stands tall on the Pearl Harbor skyline in its original color scheme and will serve as a historical reminder for generations to come.
High humidity, atmospheric salt, and powerful UV rays combine to form a recipe for corrosion. After years of being exposed to all three conditions, the time had come to restore the carbon steel Harbor Control Tower. In order to keep the tower functioning for port operations, it needed to be repaired. To mitigate corrosion damage in the future and to restore the tower to its original orange and white color scheme, a new coating system was included in the restoration project.
Coatings contractor, Abhe & Svoboda, Inc. had to conduct full lead abatement to remove hazardous material from the tower prior to painting. Enter change orders. “Once we completed sandblasting, we discovered more and more unplanned repairs,” said Nick Schmid, Abhe & Svoboda area manager. “There were holes in the water tank, and the legs needed to be repaired, not to mention rust was encompassing most of the structure.”
Not only were repairs and refinishes necessary, but some components needed complete removal and replacement. The steel components throughout the structure suffered from severe corrosion damage. The stairs, landings, ladders, beams, and flanges — nearly all components of the tower — were affected.
To ensure such damage would not happen in the future, a coating system capable of combating corrosion and providing superior durability and UV protection from the sun’s harsh presence in Pearl Harbor was specified. Sherwin-Williams Protective and Marine Coatings was chosen for the job.
“A base coat that could provide a strong layer of protection and a top coat that could stand up to severe UV exposure were paramount when selecting coatings for the tower,” Schmid said. “An inferior topcoat that couldn’t tolerate extended UV exposure would fade, and when the government spends time and money on a project like this, they want a product that will last.”
Zinc Clad III HS, a polyamide epoxy, zinc-rich coating, was used for corrosion prevention as the base coat. To ensure protection of edges, corners, and welds, Macropoxy 646, a high-solids, fast-cure epoxy, was applied as the intermediate coat. The top coat, Fluorokem HS, played the most crucial role in aesthetically repairing the tower.
“In order to preserve the tower as a historic landmark and to restore its integrity, the original orange and white checkerboard color scheme needed to be achieved,” said Casey Turville, west area district sales manager for Sherwin-Williams. “Color and gloss retention were fundamental performance characteristics when choosing the proper coating system.”
Temperatures in the mid-90s pushed the maximum temperature suitable for coatings application. The tower was fully encapsulated in tarp with scaffolding surrounding the perimeter. Coating application by means of industrial pumps started at the top of the tower and worked its way down.
The coating process started in late summer (when the air was dryer) and took roughly three months to complete. If it were any hotter, coatings application would not be executable. However, temperature was not the project’s only challenging circumstance.
“The biggest challenge during the application process was aligning the orange and white checkerboard pattern in every direction,” Schmid said. “For the final coat, we spent a lot of time measuring out each square with a laser.”
Although the project was slated for completion prior to 2014, the unforeseen structural issues extended the time it took to repair and rehabilitate the Harbor Control Tower at Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam. Restoration was completed in April 2014 and cost $11.2 million.
The Harbor Control Tower is the only remaining water tower of three jointly built by the U.S. Army and Navy in the 1920s. The tower stands tall on the Pearl Harbor skyline in its original color scheme and will serve as a historical reminder for generations to come.
PaintSquare 10/13/14

Military Coatings Mission Accomplished
Seven historic U.S. Army vehicles will greet this Veterans Day restored to their former glory, thanks to a massive volunteer effort by contractors and suppliers across the coatings industry.
Working together under the leadership of Vulcan Painters CEO David Boyd, industry companies nationwide donated crews, equipment, materials and services to paint the collection of armor and cavalry vehicles.
The tanks will be displayed at the National Armor and Cavalry Heritage Foundation's 30-acre museum at the new Maneuver Center of Excellence in Ft. Benning, GA.
The museum will house the lineage, history and heritage of the U.S. Army's Armor and Cavalry Force. The center will highlight unit organization and bring to life the history and heritage of U.S. soldiers.
The work was done to Army specifications. David Boyd, CEO of Vulcan Painters in Bessemer, AL, planned the project. He estimates the donated labor and materials at $125,000 to $150,000.
The army's collection of tanks and other artifacts will be displayed in the new museum, which will also have space for education and research and a repository for 200 years of archival records and documents.
Dedication and Display
The tanks were moved last week to Pattons' Park and will be dedicated on Veterans Day, Nov. 11.
A total of nine armored vehicles from World War II to the present, including the seven painted in this volunteer effort, will be displayed along a walking trail at the museum.
The coatings work was done to the military's specifications for the tanks. David Boyd, CEO of Vulcan Painters in Bessemer, AL, planned the project. He estimates the labor and materials donated were between $125,000 to $150,000. The project first called for volunteers in April.
The entire museum project is being funded by private sources and has an estimated cost of $50 million to $60 million.
Donations Pour In
"What a great industry we have!" said Boyd. "I can't thank the contractors, suppliers, and equipment manufacturers enough for a job well done.
"Every man and woman involved expressed the same attitude toward this project—we were all proud to play a small part in taking our expertise in the industrial painting field and giving something back to those who have served for us. Helping preserve the artifacts that are memories for so many American service men and women and their families was an honor."
Vulcan Painters built containments and contributed supervision, tools, equipment and fuel, so the volunteer contractors were ready to get to work upon arrival. The company's Cory Allen was project manager, and Reggie Clements painted.
Andy Steinman of Corrosion Specialties pitched in by securing donations of drums, abrasive and solvent.
Numerous companies donated labor, paint and other materials to complete seven tanks.
The Sherwin-Williams Company and U.S. Coatings provided paint; supplies poured in from Carboline, Chlor*Rid International Inc., RPB Safety LLC, Mohawk Industries, Axxiom Manufacturing, Eagle Industries, Stewart Supply, Sunbelt Rentals, and United Rentals.
The companies donated everything: scaffolding, safety equipment, industrial vacuums, testing and reporting equipment, and more.
Volunteer crews came from:
Rick Young, executive director of the National Armor and Cavalry Heritage Foundation, said, "The [foundation] would like to thank all of the companies and individuals that made this project a success. It was a great display of patriotism, pride and professionalism that led to the preservation of the American armor history through the restoration of these vehicles.
"We are truly humbled by the generous support for this project and appreciate your dedication to your profession. The excellence displayed by all involved speaks volumes for your industry as a whole."
Seven historic U.S. Army vehicles will greet this Veterans Day restored to their former glory, thanks to a massive volunteer effort by contractors and suppliers across the coatings industry.
Working together under the leadership of Vulcan Painters CEO David Boyd, industry companies nationwide donated crews, equipment, materials and services to paint the collection of armor and cavalry vehicles.
The tanks will be displayed at the National Armor and Cavalry Heritage Foundation's 30-acre museum at the new Maneuver Center of Excellence in Ft. Benning, GA.
The museum will house the lineage, history and heritage of the U.S. Army's Armor and Cavalry Force. The center will highlight unit organization and bring to life the history and heritage of U.S. soldiers.
The work was done to Army specifications. David Boyd, CEO of Vulcan Painters in Bessemer, AL, planned the project. He estimates the donated labor and materials at $125,000 to $150,000.
The army's collection of tanks and other artifacts will be displayed in the new museum, which will also have space for education and research and a repository for 200 years of archival records and documents.
Dedication and Display
The tanks were moved last week to Pattons' Park and will be dedicated on Veterans Day, Nov. 11.
A total of nine armored vehicles from World War II to the present, including the seven painted in this volunteer effort, will be displayed along a walking trail at the museum.
The coatings work was done to the military's specifications for the tanks. David Boyd, CEO of Vulcan Painters in Bessemer, AL, planned the project. He estimates the labor and materials donated were between $125,000 to $150,000. The project first called for volunteers in April.
The entire museum project is being funded by private sources and has an estimated cost of $50 million to $60 million.
Donations Pour In
"What a great industry we have!" said Boyd. "I can't thank the contractors, suppliers, and equipment manufacturers enough for a job well done.
"Every man and woman involved expressed the same attitude toward this project—we were all proud to play a small part in taking our expertise in the industrial painting field and giving something back to those who have served for us. Helping preserve the artifacts that are memories for so many American service men and women and their families was an honor."
Vulcan Painters built containments and contributed supervision, tools, equipment and fuel, so the volunteer contractors were ready to get to work upon arrival. The company's Cory Allen was project manager, and Reggie Clements painted.
Andy Steinman of Corrosion Specialties pitched in by securing donations of drums, abrasive and solvent.
Numerous companies donated labor, paint and other materials to complete seven tanks.
The Sherwin-Williams Company and U.S. Coatings provided paint; supplies poured in from Carboline, Chlor*Rid International Inc., RPB Safety LLC, Mohawk Industries, Axxiom Manufacturing, Eagle Industries, Stewart Supply, Sunbelt Rentals, and United Rentals.
The companies donated everything: scaffolding, safety equipment, industrial vacuums, testing and reporting equipment, and more.
Volunteer crews came from:
- Main Industries of Hampton, VA (crew of three);
- Abhe & Svoboda Inc., of Jordan, MN (crew of five);
- Coatings Unlimited Inc., of St. Louis, MO (crew of three);
- Thomas Industrial Coatings Inc. of Pevely, MO (crew of three); and
- Champion Painting of Miami, FL (crew of two).
Rick Young, executive director of the National Armor and Cavalry Heritage Foundation, said, "The [foundation] would like to thank all of the companies and individuals that made this project a success. It was a great display of patriotism, pride and professionalism that led to the preservation of the American armor history through the restoration of these vehicles.
"We are truly humbled by the generous support for this project and appreciate your dedication to your profession. The excellence displayed by all involved speaks volumes for your industry as a whole."
Construction Today 12/14/11

It works with high-powered industrial sprayers instead of fine-tipped brushes, and it works with paint mixed more for its durability than its expressive colors. However, when you consider the importance and difficulty of what Abhe & Svoboda Inc. does, the industrial coatings and restoration contractor’s work is no less a work of art than anything hanging in the Louvre.
Vice President Don Holle stresses that the Minnesota-based operation has garnered a reputation over the years for taking on projects – such as bridge restorations – that are too much for other companies.
“For us, it means we look for jobs that probably no one else will want to do because they are different,” Holle says.
Gail Svoboda founded the company in 1969 as a small painting and roofing contractor. However, as time went on, the company’s focus broadened and it began to take on more complex projects. Today, Abhe & Svoboda is recognized as a leader in the industrial coatings industry, with a portfolio that includes many large-scale civil infrastructure projects, including Pearl Harbor, Indianapolis Motor Speedway and San Diego International Airport.
As a full-service restoration contractor, Abhe & Svoboda’s services include concrete repair, steel repair and steel replacement. These services are in addition to the company’s capabilities in industrial coatings. Holle says the company’s ability to perform its own iron and steel work is just one of its numerous advantages.
Strong Capabilities The capabilities Abhe & Svoboda brings to each job site constitute one of its most significant advantages, according to Holle. Not only does the company have the experience in-house to complete numerous trades on the job, but that knowledge is spread throughout the majority of its work force, as well. “[We are] a merit contractor and we have built our company by cross-training employees in multiple trades, and performing almost all on-site functions ourselves,” the company says. “This is particularly beneficial while performing challenging and short-performance projects, since we do not encounter jurisdictional disputes between the trades.”
The company’s capabilities also include specialized services such as ultra-high-pressure (UHP) industrial cleaning. Abhe & Svoboda says it has equipment capable of pressures up to 40,000 psi, giving it the ability to perform virtually any industrial cleaning service for refineries, power plants, shipyards, storage tanks and airports. “UHP can often be an environmentally and cost-effective alternative to abrasive blasting on lead abatement projects,” the company adds. “Abhe & Svoboda utilizes water catchment and filtration systems, which remove heavy metal contaminants and allow for the reuse of water in cleaning operations. The costs of hazardous waste removal are greatly reduced, as is the use of water.”
Lead abatement is another specialized area in which Abhe & Svoboda touts its leadership. Removing lead-based paint is sensitive work, with numerous variables that need to be considered before undertaking it. The company says it has the experience and capabilities to perform this task safely and effectively.
“Factors which need to be considered are the economic life of the structure, condition of the existing coating and substrate, complexity of the structure, severity of exposure to environmental site conditions, and the environmental sensitivity of that location,” the firm says. “Abhe & Svoboda is a not only a leader, but a true pioneer in the industry, and can work with owners to asses conditions and develop the strategies to best manage lead-abatement projects.” It adds that it has safely removed more than 100 million square feet of lead-based paint from hundreds of steel and concrete structures.
Leading the WayAmong Abhe & Svoboda’s other advantages is its willingness to push the envelope in terms of new equipment and techniques. Holle says the company is not afraid of going above and beyond what is accepted in the industry if it means better service for its customers.
For example, during the 1980s, Abhe & Svoboda chose not to simply follow the contemporary standards for lead abatement. Instead, the company designed and built some of its own equipment to surpass those standards, even though it was more of an effort. “Abhe & Svoboda was amongst the first contractors to perform full-containment of a lead paint abatement project,” the company explains. “Since then, we have developed new containment designs, techniques and equipment, which have improved the industry.”
Holle says the company still develops new equipment to this day, looking at the best available equipment for the task and incorporating their best features into its own equipment for maximum efficacy. “We try to put all of their pluses together,” he says.
“For nearly 40 years, Abhe & Svoboda has not only utilized, but also developed and designed innovative technologies, equipment and methods that continue to move our industry forward,” the company says. “We are proud of our history in innovation, and continually strive to be the benchmark organization in the industrial coatings industry.”
Also contributing to the company’s decades of success are its employees. Holle says Abhe & Svoboda stands behind its valued employees, up to and including helping them move so they can be closer to their work. “We want them for the long haul, not just for the one job,” Holle says, noting that retaining quality workers is extremely important given the state of the industry. “One of the largest challenges is getting good, qualified workers.”
To ensure that the people it hires are the best people for the company, Abhe & Svoboda puts candidates through rigorous safety training programs, drug testing and physical examinations. “All of this has to be done before they’re even considered for a job,” Holle says, adding that after they have been hired, the company supports the professional development of its new employees through a mentoring program.
Precision ProjectsAbhe & Svoboda’s strengths are evident in the numerous projects the company has taken on around the world. One of its current projects, for example, is an $11 million lead abatement job on the Mackinac Bridge in Michigan. Holle explains that this project entails the abrasive-blast coating removal and painting of a 1,800-foot section of the north suspension span of the bridge.
What makes the Mackinac Bridge project stand out from others, Holle says, is the fact that the abrasive being used in the blasting and the spent abrasive is stored about 2,000 feet from the actual point of work. This requires the company to run abrasive blast hoses this entire distance. It also uses vacuums to recover up to 20 tons of spent abrasive per day through PVC pipes. Holle says these pipes at times can wear down and develop holes that cause a loss in suction, requiring workers to walk the entire length of the pipeline to patch them.
Abhe & Svoboda also is performing work on the Newport/Pell Bridge in Rhode Island, along with blasting and painting work. Holle says the $41.3 million suspension bridge project has been fast-tracked into a two-year schedule. This project includes abrasive blast-cleaning and recoating approximately 1 million square feet of structural steel surfaces on the 11,248-foot-long by 48-foot-wide bridge over the Narragansett Bay. The contract, which requires SSPC-QP 1 and QP 2 certification, includes containment of the existing lead-bearing coatings and oversight by a third-party NACE/SSPC-certified inspection firm. Because of lane closure restrictions, the company has been forced to base its equipment on barges underneath the bridge. Crews are working in heated enclosures through the winter to meet the deadlines.
Another of the company’s most recent projects also is one of its longest-running. Abhe & Svoboda is conducting a major renovation on Aloha Stadium in Honolulu, providing structural steel, blasting and painting work as well as replacing the roof. Holle says Aloha Stadium has received numerous upgrades and retouches from Abhe & Svoboda over its history. “That’s been a little feather in our cap for a number of years,” he says.
“It is always nice when you can send employees to Hawaii, even if it is to work.”
Vice President Don Holle stresses that the Minnesota-based operation has garnered a reputation over the years for taking on projects – such as bridge restorations – that are too much for other companies.
“For us, it means we look for jobs that probably no one else will want to do because they are different,” Holle says.
Gail Svoboda founded the company in 1969 as a small painting and roofing contractor. However, as time went on, the company’s focus broadened and it began to take on more complex projects. Today, Abhe & Svoboda is recognized as a leader in the industrial coatings industry, with a portfolio that includes many large-scale civil infrastructure projects, including Pearl Harbor, Indianapolis Motor Speedway and San Diego International Airport.
As a full-service restoration contractor, Abhe & Svoboda’s services include concrete repair, steel repair and steel replacement. These services are in addition to the company’s capabilities in industrial coatings. Holle says the company’s ability to perform its own iron and steel work is just one of its numerous advantages.
Strong Capabilities The capabilities Abhe & Svoboda brings to each job site constitute one of its most significant advantages, according to Holle. Not only does the company have the experience in-house to complete numerous trades on the job, but that knowledge is spread throughout the majority of its work force, as well. “[We are] a merit contractor and we have built our company by cross-training employees in multiple trades, and performing almost all on-site functions ourselves,” the company says. “This is particularly beneficial while performing challenging and short-performance projects, since we do not encounter jurisdictional disputes between the trades.”
The company’s capabilities also include specialized services such as ultra-high-pressure (UHP) industrial cleaning. Abhe & Svoboda says it has equipment capable of pressures up to 40,000 psi, giving it the ability to perform virtually any industrial cleaning service for refineries, power plants, shipyards, storage tanks and airports. “UHP can often be an environmentally and cost-effective alternative to abrasive blasting on lead abatement projects,” the company adds. “Abhe & Svoboda utilizes water catchment and filtration systems, which remove heavy metal contaminants and allow for the reuse of water in cleaning operations. The costs of hazardous waste removal are greatly reduced, as is the use of water.”
Lead abatement is another specialized area in which Abhe & Svoboda touts its leadership. Removing lead-based paint is sensitive work, with numerous variables that need to be considered before undertaking it. The company says it has the experience and capabilities to perform this task safely and effectively.
“Factors which need to be considered are the economic life of the structure, condition of the existing coating and substrate, complexity of the structure, severity of exposure to environmental site conditions, and the environmental sensitivity of that location,” the firm says. “Abhe & Svoboda is a not only a leader, but a true pioneer in the industry, and can work with owners to asses conditions and develop the strategies to best manage lead-abatement projects.” It adds that it has safely removed more than 100 million square feet of lead-based paint from hundreds of steel and concrete structures.
Leading the WayAmong Abhe & Svoboda’s other advantages is its willingness to push the envelope in terms of new equipment and techniques. Holle says the company is not afraid of going above and beyond what is accepted in the industry if it means better service for its customers.
For example, during the 1980s, Abhe & Svoboda chose not to simply follow the contemporary standards for lead abatement. Instead, the company designed and built some of its own equipment to surpass those standards, even though it was more of an effort. “Abhe & Svoboda was amongst the first contractors to perform full-containment of a lead paint abatement project,” the company explains. “Since then, we have developed new containment designs, techniques and equipment, which have improved the industry.”
Holle says the company still develops new equipment to this day, looking at the best available equipment for the task and incorporating their best features into its own equipment for maximum efficacy. “We try to put all of their pluses together,” he says.
“For nearly 40 years, Abhe & Svoboda has not only utilized, but also developed and designed innovative technologies, equipment and methods that continue to move our industry forward,” the company says. “We are proud of our history in innovation, and continually strive to be the benchmark organization in the industrial coatings industry.”
Also contributing to the company’s decades of success are its employees. Holle says Abhe & Svoboda stands behind its valued employees, up to and including helping them move so they can be closer to their work. “We want them for the long haul, not just for the one job,” Holle says, noting that retaining quality workers is extremely important given the state of the industry. “One of the largest challenges is getting good, qualified workers.”
To ensure that the people it hires are the best people for the company, Abhe & Svoboda puts candidates through rigorous safety training programs, drug testing and physical examinations. “All of this has to be done before they’re even considered for a job,” Holle says, adding that after they have been hired, the company supports the professional development of its new employees through a mentoring program.
Precision ProjectsAbhe & Svoboda’s strengths are evident in the numerous projects the company has taken on around the world. One of its current projects, for example, is an $11 million lead abatement job on the Mackinac Bridge in Michigan. Holle explains that this project entails the abrasive-blast coating removal and painting of a 1,800-foot section of the north suspension span of the bridge.
What makes the Mackinac Bridge project stand out from others, Holle says, is the fact that the abrasive being used in the blasting and the spent abrasive is stored about 2,000 feet from the actual point of work. This requires the company to run abrasive blast hoses this entire distance. It also uses vacuums to recover up to 20 tons of spent abrasive per day through PVC pipes. Holle says these pipes at times can wear down and develop holes that cause a loss in suction, requiring workers to walk the entire length of the pipeline to patch them.
Abhe & Svoboda also is performing work on the Newport/Pell Bridge in Rhode Island, along with blasting and painting work. Holle says the $41.3 million suspension bridge project has been fast-tracked into a two-year schedule. This project includes abrasive blast-cleaning and recoating approximately 1 million square feet of structural steel surfaces on the 11,248-foot-long by 48-foot-wide bridge over the Narragansett Bay. The contract, which requires SSPC-QP 1 and QP 2 certification, includes containment of the existing lead-bearing coatings and oversight by a third-party NACE/SSPC-certified inspection firm. Because of lane closure restrictions, the company has been forced to base its equipment on barges underneath the bridge. Crews are working in heated enclosures through the winter to meet the deadlines.
Another of the company’s most recent projects also is one of its longest-running. Abhe & Svoboda is conducting a major renovation on Aloha Stadium in Honolulu, providing structural steel, blasting and painting work as well as replacing the roof. Holle says Aloha Stadium has received numerous upgrades and retouches from Abhe & Svoboda over its history. “That’s been a little feather in our cap for a number of years,” he says.
“It is always nice when you can send employees to Hawaii, even if it is to work.”
Newport Daily News 10/29/11

NEWPORT, R.I. - It's the middle of the workday and the painters are busy. It's a big job that has to be broken into sections, with part of the 80-person crew prepping an area, others sandblasting and some doing the actual painting.
They move around easily, especially when you consider there's just a thin layer of steel decking between them and the surface of Narragansett Bay 200 feet below, and several feet of concrete between them and hundreds of trucks and cars traversing the Pell Bridge above.
Drivers can follow the workers' progress by noticing where the tarps, which completely enclose the areas being blasted or painted, are draped across the bridge railings. But actually witnessing the work is like being taken into some type of alternate reality.
In May 2010, the Rhode Island Turnpike and Bridge Authority awarded a $41.3 million contract to Abhe & Svoboda Inc. of Prior Lake, Minn., to repaint the center span of the 42-year-old bridge. The job should be completed by November 2012.
It's like a miniature village beneath the bridge, where contractors have built small buildings: a storage shed; a paint shack; and a break room. Once you climb down a flight of stairs on the side of the bridge and duck under the span itself, you enter another world, one dominated by the sounds of traffic passing overhead.
But long before the first can of paint was opened, Project Manager Jerry Burbank had to build a floor beneath the bridge so workers weren't dangling 200 feet above the water.
"We essentially built a bridge beneath the bridge," he said.
The steel decking acts as the first layer of defense in keeping the sandblasting grit out of Narragansett Bay. But, more importantly, it provides a floor for workers as they go about repainting about a million square feet of steel between the suspension bridge's two towers.
"Safety is every bit as important as anything we do on this job," Burbank said.
Even if they can't look down and see the choppy waves below, guests being escorted around the small village beneath the bridge frequently are reminded of where they are by the rumblings of vehicles overhead.
But Burbank, who has worked on bridges since 1978, doesn't even notice the traffic anymore. It's just part of the background noise.
It took the company five months to build the support system before it could begin the work it was hired to do.
Once the main support system was built, workers had to enclose each section they would be working in. Four dust collectors suck the grit and fumes from the enclosed area, and the collected sandblasting grit is reused, Burbank said. Compressors, generators and the dust collectors use about 3,000 gallons of fuel a day, he said.
Once an area is blasted, the workers move on to the next section. Any damaged steel is cut out and new pieces are welded in to strengthen the structure. Rusty bolts are removed and replaced. Painters put down a coat of primer before the real fun begins. The next step is called "striping." Using two-inch rollers, workers paint each bolt, the narrow edges of steel plates and girders and all the nooks and crannies. Each "striping" worker also has a small mirror on a stick, similar to those used by dentists, to make sure those hard-to-get-at places get painted.
After striping, the rest of the steel is spraypainted. Then it is striped again before a finish coat is applied. Inspectors look over the work after each step.
"These are not spot inspections," said David Darlington, chairman of the Turnpike and Bridge Authority. "They inspect every inch."
A crew of about 15 workers was busy Wednesday preparing a new section for blasting. As one worker used a special saw to cut rusty bolts, another was busy shoveling dirt and "pigeon guano" from the areas. Accumulated guano is highly corrosive to steel bridges, Darlington said. Although it's a dirty job, it's made easier by the authority's unique way of keeping pigeons from roosting. It has built nests for falcons, and two call the bridge home. Their presence keeps the pigeon population down, Darlington said.
"It is cost effective," Burbank said." I've worked on bridges where they actually shoot off fireworks to scare the birds off."
Work continued through the winter last year, Burbank said, with the company utilizing heaters for the enclosed areas. This year, crews will stop work for the winter sometime in December.
Those traveling on the Pell Bridge barely notice all work going on below them.
"It's not a sizeable impact (for drivers)," Darlington said. "The logistics are pretty amazing."
They move around easily, especially when you consider there's just a thin layer of steel decking between them and the surface of Narragansett Bay 200 feet below, and several feet of concrete between them and hundreds of trucks and cars traversing the Pell Bridge above.
Drivers can follow the workers' progress by noticing where the tarps, which completely enclose the areas being blasted or painted, are draped across the bridge railings. But actually witnessing the work is like being taken into some type of alternate reality.
In May 2010, the Rhode Island Turnpike and Bridge Authority awarded a $41.3 million contract to Abhe & Svoboda Inc. of Prior Lake, Minn., to repaint the center span of the 42-year-old bridge. The job should be completed by November 2012.
It's like a miniature village beneath the bridge, where contractors have built small buildings: a storage shed; a paint shack; and a break room. Once you climb down a flight of stairs on the side of the bridge and duck under the span itself, you enter another world, one dominated by the sounds of traffic passing overhead.
But long before the first can of paint was opened, Project Manager Jerry Burbank had to build a floor beneath the bridge so workers weren't dangling 200 feet above the water.
"We essentially built a bridge beneath the bridge," he said.
The steel decking acts as the first layer of defense in keeping the sandblasting grit out of Narragansett Bay. But, more importantly, it provides a floor for workers as they go about repainting about a million square feet of steel between the suspension bridge's two towers.
"Safety is every bit as important as anything we do on this job," Burbank said.
Even if they can't look down and see the choppy waves below, guests being escorted around the small village beneath the bridge frequently are reminded of where they are by the rumblings of vehicles overhead.
But Burbank, who has worked on bridges since 1978, doesn't even notice the traffic anymore. It's just part of the background noise.
It took the company five months to build the support system before it could begin the work it was hired to do.
Once the main support system was built, workers had to enclose each section they would be working in. Four dust collectors suck the grit and fumes from the enclosed area, and the collected sandblasting grit is reused, Burbank said. Compressors, generators and the dust collectors use about 3,000 gallons of fuel a day, he said.
Once an area is blasted, the workers move on to the next section. Any damaged steel is cut out and new pieces are welded in to strengthen the structure. Rusty bolts are removed and replaced. Painters put down a coat of primer before the real fun begins. The next step is called "striping." Using two-inch rollers, workers paint each bolt, the narrow edges of steel plates and girders and all the nooks and crannies. Each "striping" worker also has a small mirror on a stick, similar to those used by dentists, to make sure those hard-to-get-at places get painted.
After striping, the rest of the steel is spraypainted. Then it is striped again before a finish coat is applied. Inspectors look over the work after each step.
"These are not spot inspections," said David Darlington, chairman of the Turnpike and Bridge Authority. "They inspect every inch."
A crew of about 15 workers was busy Wednesday preparing a new section for blasting. As one worker used a special saw to cut rusty bolts, another was busy shoveling dirt and "pigeon guano" from the areas. Accumulated guano is highly corrosive to steel bridges, Darlington said. Although it's a dirty job, it's made easier by the authority's unique way of keeping pigeons from roosting. It has built nests for falcons, and two call the bridge home. Their presence keeps the pigeon population down, Darlington said.
"It is cost effective," Burbank said." I've worked on bridges where they actually shoot off fireworks to scare the birds off."
Work continued through the winter last year, Burbank said, with the company utilizing heaters for the enclosed areas. This year, crews will stop work for the winter sometime in December.
Those traveling on the Pell Bridge barely notice all work going on below them.
"It's not a sizeable impact (for drivers)," Darlington said. "The logistics are pretty amazing."